Arthroscopy - Florida Foot and Ankle Specialists

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February 24, 2024 United States, Florida, Bradenton 8636 State Road 70 E, Bradenton,FL 34202 United States 16


Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which your specialist will insert a very small camera into a joint in your foot or ankle. The most common place for this to take place is within your ankle joint. The purpose of this procedure is to help diagnose and treat joint problems. A joint, also called an articulation, is comprised of the ends of two bones that are covered by a smooth, spongy surface called cartilage. The purpose of a joint is to withstand large compressive and loading forces while allowing fluid movement between the two bones. Utilizing this minimally invasive procedure allows your surgeon to skillfully evaluate the pathology that may be present. Additionally, depending on the severity and type of damage to the joint, you surgeon may be able to perform intervention at the same time as this procedure occurs.

Common conditions that can be diagnosed with arthroscopy include damaged cartilage, synovitis (inflammation to the tissue surrounding the joint), scar tissue build up, loose bone fragments, partially or completely torn ligaments, and Osteochondritis Dissecans.

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