3 Tips For Actually Succeeding In SEO

15.00 Dollar US$
April 23, 2024 United States, Hawaii, Anahola 7


There are two types of SEO advice: the technical stuff I covered above and the core principles of SEO. The technical stuff will change, but these SEO tips stand the test of time.

If It Seems Shady, It Will Probably Burn You

You might have heard of black hat, white hat, and gray hat SEO.

Black hat SEO refers to the practices that are totally against Google’s terms of service.

Like building 10 sites and interlinking them to make Google think your crappy bitcoin sites are legit.

This is where the acronym PBN comes into play.

Then there is a gray hat, which may not be technically wrong but walks a thin (gray) line.

White hat is above the board, totally legit SEO. Some have convincingly argued that a white hat isn’t a thing anymore.

A lot of SEO pros walk the gray hat line. And a lot of them get burned.

To succeed in SEO, you need to do things the right way.

If something feels off – like buying or selling links – it will probably burn you and torpedo your chances in search.

Trust me. It is not worth the long-term risk.

Read Real Experts

There are a lot of SEO “experts.”

Some of them claim to get you to the top of page one on Google “guaranteed!”

Others don’t actually do SEO but write about it a lot. Make sure your sources are reputable.

Take everything you read with a grain of salt because nothing is universal.

What works for an ecommerce site in tech isn’t necessarily going to work for a restaurant supply store.

Pay attention to what comes from Google directly from folks like John Mueller and Gary Illyes.

Test, Test, And Test Again

SEO is about determining what works for your site in your industry based on your unique landscape.

The only way to figure that out is to test – and keep testing repeatedly.

If you’re using shady tactics, all your work may go to waste if Google’s latest algorithm update changes things. But if you apply SEO best practices and consistently test, you can be prepared for when the winds change.

Testing is an eternal part of any successful SEO strategy.


SEO is ever-evolving.

Every SEO professional would love to find the magic formula that rockets their sites to the top of SERPs and keep them there forever.

Unfortunately, SEO doesn’t work that way.

There are rules and best practices, but SEO’s core is figuring out what works for your site or client and then changing it when it stops working.


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