400.00 Dollar US$
April 3, 2024 United States 24


One of the most beneficial things you can do for your heart is to quit smoking or using smokeless tobacco. Even if you don't smoke, avoid secondhand smoke.


Chemicals in tobacco can harm the heart and blood vessels. Cigarette smoke reduces oxygen in the blood, raising blood pressure and heart rate. This is because the heart must work harder to provide enough oxygen to the body and brain.


There is good news, however. The risk of heart disease begins to decrease as soon as one day after quitting. After a year without cigarettes, the risk of heart disease is around half that of a smoker. Regardless of how long or how much you smoked, you'll begin reaping benefits as soon as you quit.


Get Moving:


Regular, everyday physical activity can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Physical activity helps you manage your weight. It also reduces the likelihood of developing other illnesses that might put strain on the heart. These include excessive blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.


If you haven't been active in a while, you may need to gradually build up to these goals. However, in general, you should aspire at least:




      1. 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week, such as walking briskly.


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