Discover yourself through numerology

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Discover yourself through numerology

The nature of numerology

The essence of numerology is a system of belief and feng shui, which believes that there is a connection between numbers and events on Earth as well as human personality and behavior. Here are some key points about the nature of numerology:

  1. Believe that numbers carry messages: In numerology, each number is considered to carry a message or a special meaning. These numbers are applied to a person's date of birth, name, or specific events.

  1. The influence of celestial positions: Numerology believes that the positions and movements of planets, stars and other celestial bodies in the solar system influence life on Earth. These positions are considered to have an impact on a person's character and destiny.

  1. Numerology calculation and analysis: Numerology uses methods of calculation and analysis of numerology, such as life path numbers, personal numbers, secret numbers, and many others, to provide information about personality. a person's personality, skills, abilities, and potential.

  1. Use in prediction and consultation: Numerology is used to predict trends and events in a person's life, as well as to advise and guide them in decision making and personal development.

  1. Feng Shui and Spirituality: Numerology is often associated with feng shui and spiritual concepts, and is used to consider spiritual and energetic factors in daily life.

How to calculate numerology by name

Calculating numerology by name involves assigning numerical values to the letters of the alphabet and then summing these values to derive a single-digit number that represents different aspects of a person's personality or destiny.

  1. Assign numerical values to letters: Use the following correspondence to assign a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet:

A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9 J = 1 K = 2 L = 3 M = 4

N = 5 O = 6 P = 7 Q = 8 R = 9 S = 1 T = 2 U = 3 V = 4 W = 5 X = 6 Y = 7 Z = 8

  1. Write down the full name: Write down the full name exactly as it appears on official documents, including first name, middle name(s), and last name.

  1. Convert letters to numbers: Assign the numerical value to each letter of the name based on the correspondence provided above.

  1. Sum the numerical values: Add together all the numerical values obtained from step 3.

  1. Reduce to a single digit (if necessary): If the sum from step 4 is a double-digit number, add the digits together again until you get a single-digit number.

Different numerologists may use variations of this process or interpret the results differently, so it's essential to explore various sources and interpretations to gain a comprehensive understanding of numerology by name.

How to calculate numerology based on date of birth

To calculate numerology based on the day, month, and year of a person's birth, you can use the following method:

1. Record your date, month and year of birth as numbers.

2. Calculate the sum of all digits in the day, month and year of birth.

3. Next, continue adding the digits of the total until you get a number between 1 and 9 or a special number of 11, 22 or 33.

4. The final result is your numerology based on your day, month and year of birth.

Remember that while numerology can provide valuable insights, it's just one tool among many for self-discovery and personal development. It's essential to approach it with an open mind and use it as a guide rather than a definitive answer to all of life's questions.

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