Astrology in the new age

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April 8, 2024 Australia, Adelaide, Adelaide 12


Astrology in the new age

What is astrology?     

Astrology is a belief system and practice that suggests a relationship between the positions and movements of celestial bodies (such as planets and stars) and events on Earth, as well as human characteristics and behaviors. It is based on the idea that there is a connection between the cosmos and earthly matters, including individual lives.

Key concepts in astrology

  1. Zodiac Signs: The zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each associated with specific dates and corresponding to different periods of the year. These signs are named after constellations through which the Sun appears to pass during the year.

  2. Planets: In astrology, the positions of planets in relation to the zodiac signs at the time of a person's birth are thought to shape their personality and life events.

  3. Aspects: Aspects are angles formed between planets in the astrological chart. They indicate different types of relationships between planetary energies and are believed to influence how those energies interact and express themselves in a person's life.

  4. Houses: The astrological chart is divided into twelve segments called houses, each representing different areas of life such as relationships, career, and family. The positions of planets within these houses are interpreted to determine how various aspects of life will manifest.

Is astrology the same as numerology?

Astrology and numerology have some similarities, but there are also differences. Both astrology and numerology belong to the field of prediction and discovery of information about the future or individuals. However, their methods and theoretical basis are different.

In astrology, astronomical elements such as planets, constellations and other celestial elements are used for prediction and analysis. Astrologers learn the positions of celestial bodies at specific times and use this information to create narratives and predictions about life and events.

In numerology, numbers are used as a means to discover information about individuals and predict the future. Numerology is based on the idea that each number has a special meaning and can refer to aspects of a person's life and personality.

Although both theories have no scientific basis, many people are interested in and believe in them as a tool for entertainment or non-scientific thinking. However, the general opinion is that they should be considered as a form of entertainment and should not rely too much on them to make important decisions.


While astrology is not scientifically supported and is considered a pseudoscience by the scientific community, many people find value in it as a tool for self-reflection, guidance, and understanding of the world around them. It continues to be popular in many cultures and societies, with horoscopes appearing in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms.

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Keywords: numerology
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