What is Expedia Cancellation Policy?

20.00 Dollar US$
April 24, 2024 United States, Texas, Ackerly 8


How does Expedia full refund work?

Expedia issues most refunds for canceled flights within 5-10 business days, although some airlines take longer to process the request. It may take a week or so for your bank or credit card Company to complete the refund. Please contact us about the cancellation of a booking or closing of an account. Cancellations or changes (with respect to the travel date, destination, place where the trip starts, property or means of transport) to a booking can be made by contacting us

You can request a refund by either using the online platform on Expedia's website or directly contacting their customer service. To initiate a refund, simply cancel your flight ticket and request a refund through the customer service number at

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