AT&T Secure Family takes your family's safety to the next level

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April 15, 2024 United States, New Jersey, Hamilton 3240 East State Street Ext Hamilton, NJ 08619 13


AT&T Secure Family takes your family's safety to the next level

AT&T’s Smart Limits service will soon be replaced by its new app called the ‘Secure Family’. The new and upgraded parental control software from AT&T will include features like location tracking, time limits, and content filtering. Location tracking feature is more accurate; it allows you to locate a family member on an interactive map.

In an era where digital connectivity intertwines with every aspect of daily life, safeguarding the well-being of loved ones is paramount. Recognizing this, AT&T has introduced its latest innovation, AT&T Secure Family, aimed at taking family safety to unprecedented heights. AT&T Secure Family isn't just another app; it's a comprehensive solution designed to empower parents with the tools they need to protect their children in today's complex digital landscape. This advanced platform offers a suite of features tailored to monitor and manage family members' digital interactions while fostering healthy habits and promoting responsible device usage. One of the standout features of AT&T Secure Family is its robust location tracking capabilities, providing real-time insights into the whereabouts of family members. Whether it's ensuring children arrive safely at school or keeping tabs on teenagers' whereabouts during outings, parents can breathe easier knowing they have access to accurate location information at their fingertips. Moreover, AT&T Secure Family offers customizable geofencing alerts, allowing parents to set virtual boundaries and receive notifications when family members enter or leave designated areas. This feature proves invaluable in ensuring children stay within safe zones and providing parents with peace of mind. But AT&T Secure Family goes beyond mere location tracking. It also empowers parents to manage screen time effectively, helping strike a balance between digital engagement and offline activities. With the app's screen time management tools, parents can set limits on device usage, schedule downtime for family bonding, and even block access to specific apps or websites deemed inappropriate.

Keywords: ciobulletin, latestnews, breakingnews, AT&T, Secure,family's safety, next, level
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