The discovery of scientists is especially important because for the first time it revealed

120.00 Dollar US$
April 11, 2024 United States, Florida, Florida City 8


The discovery of scientists is especially important because for the first time it revealed the truth about how the process of suppressing thoughts in the human brain occurs. In particular, the concentration of GABA in the hippocampus (actively involved in the process of memory work ) allows scientists to predict how effective the subject will be able to suppress memories of words. In other words, scientists have come closer to unraveling the mystery of how the science of the future can heal humanity from unwanted thoughts, experiences and depressions. Can I get Alzheimer's disease ? Over the years, doctors and scientists have tried to find the answer to this burning question. And finally, they came to a disappointing conclusion - you can. For a long time no one could find evidence that Alzheimer's is transmitted through blood or surgical instruments. The new study proved that the disease can be transmitted with high probability when blood is transfused in the form of a special protein, which eventually leads to brain degeneration. Similarly, not only Alzheimer's disease, but also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), is a progressive degenerative disease of the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and spinal cord. Like CJD, Alzheimer's disease includes an unbalanced protein called beta amyloid. 

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